Interview with Carina
Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions asked me to research the opportunities for international entrepreneurs to visit the Netherlands for business purposes. The results of this national Research plan can be read here, in Dutch. International publisher...
Cities of Things
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Why aren’t airbags in cars also tested to take women’s breasts into account?
Ever held a hammer in your hands? If you are a woman, or a man of Asian descent, for example, and have finer hands, that hammer is often too heavy. Ever wondered why the temperature in buildings is such that you always have to wear a cardigan, but male colleagues just...
Can you sue an algorithm? – Is that real, or just fake news?
Technology has always been part of our society. Just consider the first roads on which we travelled and the abacus, the first known calculator. The logic of zeros and ones that is used to create, transfer or control information is now an integral part of our digital...
130 million euros for the development of Brainport Eindhoven
The government of the Netherlands announced its intention to offer 130 million euros for the further development of Brainport Eindhoven. It is the first concrete result of a long lobby, which has not yet come to an end. An analysis of how the envelope has been made...
Brainport’s most important soft power: Trust
Brainport Eindhoven. This is THE example where government, industry and knowledge institutions work together in a triangular relationship that is as equal as possible. Where the economy has been the first to pick up, where companies are marketing their technological...
Nanotech solutions for cancer research
Dutch nanotech sets firm foot on Japanese soil. Partly thanks to Eindhoven high tech companies like AMSYSTEMS Center, DoMicro, Holst Centre, SCIL and Simbeyond, the Dutch nanotech industry has put a firm foot on Japanese soil. Earlier this month the Holland High Tech...
Absorbing Life – Photo book
On March 14 I will be publishing my photo book 'absorbing life', with 210 black and white pictures, street photography. Why have I been working on this book? I don’t want to wait or waste a moment of this precious thing we call life, but follow the nagging urge to...
Thought leader, bonding, conscience
'A thought leader is not necessarily the biggest company in the sector, but the company that is recognized as the champion of innovation in an area that is relevant to the market or society. Thought-leading companies are able to break through conventional thought...
Directing without hierarchy
The development of the Brainport brand a few years ago and the Holland High-Tech branding process in 2012 both consisted of working in unique hybrid constructions to position the business and the brand and establish how they would be communicated. At Brainport, the...
Holland… more than tulips and clogs!
Made the short promotional film ‘Holland… more than tulips and clogs’ together with EVD. It shows more and less familiar technological innovations made in the Netherlands, such as scanners by Philips Medical, the Philips Wake-up Light, the Phileas bus, ASML, and the...
Holland High Tech branding (and balloon)
The silly season. Go outside and lay down on your back - preferably on grass. Look for the orange Holland High-Tech balloon: The oldest form of aviation is playfully promoting the Dutch high-tech sector. The balloon has flown for the first time on July 28 during the...