Clients and expertise





  • Dutch Topsector High Tech Systems & Materials (Plv. Trekker Internationaal.
  • Tante Netty, social design organisation (chair)
  • Cooperations in positioning, with PhotonicsNL in San Francisco, CompositesNL – Paris)
  • Member of the Thinktank Dutch nation Branding
  • Gemeente Eindhoven (directeur Communicatie. In nauwe relatie tot het Brainport netwerk) – September 2016 – January 2019
  • Rotary Heeze (chair, 2017-2018)
  • Director of Communications at city of Eindhoven. In close cooperatation with Brainport Development (September 2016 until today)
  • Dutch embassy in Paris and Dutch automotive sector: conference, French and Dutch automotive sectors on future innovative mobility solutions  (December 2016)
  • ESA ESTEC (strategic preparations for messaging Minister conference 2016. Member of Programme Committee/Board for event in Londen ‘Space for Inspiration, ISS and beyond’, Sept. 2016)
  • NTS-Group (repositioning, Communications plan intern and extern)
  • Topteam High  Tech Systemen en Materialen (Linking Pin International, and Brand Manager for Hannover Messe in cooperation with RVO and embassy Berlin. SEMICON Taiwan, Automotive Frankfurt, Germany, United States, France, Korea, China, etc.)
  • Holst Centre (Strategic advisory. Positionering and Public Affairs. Workshops and discussions with (inter)national stakeholders and steering committee)
  • Dutch Topteam High Tech Systemen and Materials (Brand Manager Holland High Tech and linking pin in them team International, for global positioning of the Dutch hightech sector. Managing editor of Visiedocument HTSM sector for VNO-NCW in cooperation with ministry Economic Affairs. Formulating of the Vision and Mission was developed by the Carwei questioning model. Managing Editor of the publication of the Dutch hightech Internationaliseringsstrategie. Co-managing the process regarding the product-market focus, together with various HTSM subsectors and embassies in 11 countries worldwide. See also the Dutch HTSM Kennis- en Innovatie Agenda) – From 2012 until today
  • Holst Centre (Strategic advisory and reflection for director and management. Holst Centre is the corner stone of Open Innovation in the Netherlands. Goal: repositionering, strategic communication plan Positioning and Public Affairs. Development via the Carwei questioning model, workshops and discussions with (inter)nationale stakeholders and steering committee)
  • Dutch SEMICON sector (Strategic communication means for global SEMICON shows, such as in Taiwan, Dresden etc.) – April 2015 until today
  • Sioux (Advisory regarding customer and employee magazines SOURCE  based on the strategy and messaging of Sioux, developed and checked by the Carwei questioning model; process management, pitches, briefings, editing) – 2014 and 2015
  • Embassy Berlin (Advisory and communication means regarding the positioning of the Dutch hightech sector on Hannover Messe 2015. Cooperation with ministery of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs) – January – April 2015
  • BALTAN (Strategic advisory to strengthen the cooperation between all members of the cultural sector in Eindhoven. Chair of workshops, Questionning model Carwei) – 2015
  • March 2015: Publication of my photobook  ‘absorbing life’, photo exhibition in Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, uitgeverij Lecturis. September: opening Atelier Neerlandais, Paris. October: exhibition in De Ruimte, Geldrop, the Netherlands.
  • Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector (Development of the global brand. Chair for all parties in this Dutch sector and ministeries VWS Volksgezondheid Welzijn en Sport, Economic Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland. Launch of the sector profile in the national Ridderzaal Den Haag by minister E. Schippers) September – December 2015
  • NTS-Group (Strategic Advisor to the Board. Mergers and acquisitions communications. Yearly customer and employee publication Accelerate: strategic advisory, them, briefings, edits) From 2010 – ongoing
  • ATG (lobby regarding Outernet. See Dutch language blog) – July 2014
  • Netherlands Space Office (Development of Dutch space profile and communication plan, including cooperation in the network, workshops with CEO’s and communication managers, visual identity, presentation at Hannover Messe with a visit of Bundeskänzlerin Merkel, and cooperation of André Kuipers) – August 2013 – 2014
  • Dutch Topteam HTSM, Holland High Tech organisatie (Brand Manager Holland High Tech. Doel: (inter)nationaal positioning of the Dutch high-tech sector. See See Dutch language blog on presentation at the Hannover Messe april 2014. Research regarding imago Dutch hightech in Korea, Taiwan and Parijs) – Brand Manager per 1 januari 2013, ongoing
  • Ministry van Economic Affairs (Messging  10 Doorbraakprojecten met ICT) – September  to December 2013
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs (Messaging Dutch Bedrijven- en Topsectorenbeleid) – August 2013 to Juni 2014
  • Brainport Industries (strategic communication advisor positioning Brainport Industries Parc Eindhoven) – May to July 2013
  • Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (research Italian film Neorealisme, see blog) – February, June, December 2o13
  • Master Class at Universita di Sapienza in Rome, faculty Economy (regarding Governance structure triple helix cooperation between government, companies and knowledge institutes, referring to publication on this topic on Brainport)  – April 2013
  • NTS-Group (Define NTS culture and story via workshops in  Nederland, China en Tsjechie) 2012-2013
  • Van Abbemuseum (Lobby en Advisor to the Board. Speaker in Gemeenteraad Eindhoven. Initiator en moderator debate in Van Abbemuseum between  Hans Laroes, former editor in chief NOS, and Charles Esche, director Van Abbemuseum about the role of musea and journalism in the Dutch democracy) June 2013
  • ASM International (Strategisch advise regarding worldwide HR programma) March-May 2013
  • Guest speaker October 18, 2012: national Italian congress in Italy, Convegno annuale di Sinergie ‘IL TERRITORIO COME GIACIMENTO DI VITALITA PER L’IMPRESA XXIV’ – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Economia Universita` del Salento, Lecce. (See la programma Testo Sinergie invito def and presentatie The Power of Cooperation (PDF)
  • ILI OPENLIGHT lab ‘Light through Culture’ (Strategic advisory on innovation show case. Coaching on light projects for GLOW in Eindhoven, Ankara, etc.)
  • Brainport Industries (Feedback on CFT2.0 setup, annual congress 2012, member information, executive committee, etc.)
  • NTS Group (Global Cultural Program. Workshops with Systems Development on culture, values and job market communication, etc.)
  • Creative exchange on putting an office building in Eindhoven on the market
  • Collaboration with NL EVD/NL Agency on the short film ‘Nederland Innoveert’ (Innovative Netherlands) as a means of promoting Dutch innovation with the participation of ASML, EyeRhas eye robot, Phileasbus, Philips scanners and others. First screening during TEDx Binnenhof on Monday 25 June 2012.
  • Top team High-Tech Systems and Materials (Development of the global Holland High-Tech branding with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, NL EVD/NL Agency, FME and high-tech companies) see also
  • Moonenco Kazerne & Creative Suites (strategic advice, subsidy applications, relations/network)
  • Co-founder and co-director of the ELICA programme, which focuses on the Italian-Dutch exchange of knowledge between strong clusters in the area of technology, food and design. See
  • Intelligent Lighting Institute ILI (Coaching and communication for the OPENLIGHT creative lab during the Beijing Design Week in China 2013)
  • Van Abbemuseum (Crowd funding for Richard Long’s Wood Circle, one of the first big crowd funding campaigns in the museum sector; Debate at the council of Eindhoven on Dutch budget cutbacks)
  • Brainport Industries, the global high-tech open supply chain (Strategic communication advicory, starting points in start-up phase, monitoring, executive committee. See
  • NTS Group (Strategic advisory to the Board, Determine strategic communication starting points based on sharpened mission/vision/promise; write operational plan, pitch to NTS Group’s communication agency; editing formula for NTS magazine and brand book; manage the process in terms of content and look and feel; publication of three Accelerate magazines in 2010, 2011, 2012. Communication on acquisitions such as BrainCenter and BoTech)
  • Steering committee for technology, education and the job market (Stuurgroep Technologie, Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (TOA) in the Brainport region (mission, vision, ambition, boilerplate, etc.)
  • NEVAT System Suppliers group (Advisory on strategic starting points to position the group, boilerplates) (NEVAT is a Dutch sector association of leading suppliers.)
  • NOS (company to editor in chief Hans Laroes and his editors on the 2 o’clock, 7 o’clock, and 8 o’clock news and the youth news; I gained insight into the processes, considerations and values used to make split-second decisions on an item’s newsworthiness and how it will be presented)
  • Van Abbemuseum 2009-2011 (Head of External Affairs: marketing/communication, liaising/education and fundraising: translate the ambition and identity of the Van Abbemuseum to target groups for the 1.5-year Play Van Abbe 2009-2011 programme in terms of the museum’s strategy and role in the 21st century. Subsidy applications; responsible for education, liaising, and public programming and the stimulation thereof; marketing plan Play Van Abbe; pitch programme execution to communication agencies; streamline the overall communication for Play Van Abbe in 2009 and 2010; feedback loops with press and public; wrote opening speeches for State Secretary Frans Timmermans, Mayor Van Gijzel and the Persian-Dutch writer Kader Abdolah. Collaborations with companies such as Philips Research ‘Connection Day’ with regard to sustainability, the ‘Glazen Depot’ and subsidy applications; studied interfaces between art/design by travelling to London to visit the Tate Modern and Whitechapel; to Venice to attend the Biennale; to Rome for the Salone del Mobile and MAXXI; and Milaan for Isola, NABA, Careof, and TEFAF; as well as communication for the Double Infinity exhibit during the World Expo 2010.
  • NTS Group (Communication on their role as Original Module Manufacturer for OEMs; communication on the acquisition of Anorad in Israel, the acquisition of Phenom by FEI Company and the inception of Phenom-World BV)
  • REWIN (Strategic advisory for the development company REWIN in Southwest Brabant as basis for corporate story and other communication)
  • NTS Hermus (Brand identity)
  • Van Berlo studios (Srategic advisory on press policy and advice on setting up communication roles in the communication department)
  • Since 2008 member of the Working group Communication Directors/managers of technology companies around Eindhoven, including OEMs and suppliers
  • Brainport (Initiator of Brainport Cafés in Brussels for members of the European Commission. Initiator of the Brussels newsletter. Publication of articles for Brainport magazine. Initiator of Brainport week programme for middle-school pupils. Member of the panel)
  • NTS Group (Responsible for visit of Minister President J P Balkenende at NTS Metaalbewerking in conjunction with the consequences of the financial crisis for the high-tech chain in the southeast of the Netherlands; Marketing texts for the launch of ‘Mechatronics Backbone’; External and internal communication on the acquisition of Systence’s business activities)
  • Lianne van Genugten, top designer (Coaching)
  • Brainport (Head of communication: Develop the essence of the Brainport brand and position it on the market; set up the communication department; responsible for all corporate, internal, external, project and programme communication; communication on Brainport from and to the EU in Brussels; strategic communication, receptions for ministers and government officials; Regional events; chair of communication committees in the southeast of the Netherlands etc.)
  • Province of North Brabant (guide and co-organizer of the Dutch Design Week (DDW) tour for international VIPs in the province)
  • Dutch Design Week 2008 (Press tour with top locations for international journalists; responsible for journalists during the opening day of DDW)
  • NTS Optel (Development of market identity)
  • NTS Group (Strategic advice on core values, vision, mission, ambition; external and internal communication joint venture NTS Shemer (Israel) and streamlining of NTS Mechatronics due to the closing of one of the factories; advised on the development of the brand identity; internal branding plan; quick scan and recommendations for internal branding and internal communication)
  • Assembleon (quick scan internal communication, wrote quick wins and recommendations for worldwide internal communication from the main office in Veldhoven; advised on restructuring and firing)
  • Holst Centre (Advisory of the Board on core values, mission, ambition; translation to media, plan for website)
  • Piet Hein Eek, international designer (Editor book Piet Hein Eek)
  • Vanderlande Industries (Advisory on job market communication)
  • Els van Noorduijn, Personal Coach (Review of report by Philips Medical Systems)
  • YER (Presentation at HR manager meeting province of South-Netherlands at Chateau St Gerlach)
  • Housing association Elan Wonen, Haarlem (Commuincation consultant regarding the reorganization, advisory on internal media)


ASML (2003 – 31 December 2006) Senior Communications Expert (Advised on top-down/bottom-up/horizontal communication as part of ASML’s international and company-wide communication strategy. International code of conduct projects for ASML; implementation of individual performance management scheme for HR; interaction programmes between management and employees; positioned suppliers internally; advised on HR, works council and business units; final editing of publications in Dutch; video and photo productions)

ASML (2000-2003) Communication Consultant (Editor in chief international personnel magazine ‘Spectrum’ and ‘Focus’; social annual reports; project communication plans; HR adviser on acquisition of SVG and reorganizations)

ASML (1996-2000) Communication Officer (Set up internal communication ASML media; put ASML’s name as employer on the market – job market communication; implement internal branding programme ASML Way of Working; social annual reports (national nomination in 1997); initiated corporate sponsoring)

Other experience (1991-1996):

Advice group Judicial Organization, Ministry of Justice (1996): Member of the project team, report writer and editor

Publisher Stichting AgriPers (1995) – Assistant publisher OOGST (Harvest), responsible for the funding of freelance writers

Project Mineral Accounting, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries (1994): Responsible for facility management and internal communication in the start-up phase

Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad (Dutch Women’s Counsel) (1993): Contact and administrator for the Dutch Women’s Counsel, assistant secretary, report writer at national conferences

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Congress Centre (1993): Assistant congress organizer for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the African Development Bank

Ministry of General Affairs (1991): Editor of the manual for computer programme for the Ministry of General Affairs