Made the short promotional film ‘Holland… more than tulips and clogs’ together with EVD. It shows more and less familiar technological innovations made in the Netherlands, such as scanners by Philips Medical, the Philips Wake-up Light, the Phileas bus, ASML, and the Eye RHAS (robot for haptically assisted surgery. The film will be used to promote Dutch innovations around the world, using the EVD/NL Agency toolkit and by all of the Dutch embassies. It was first screened during the highly tweeted TEDx Binnenhof meeting in the Ridderzaal. The plain castle that usually serves as backdrop for the golden coach was turned into a catwalk. Among other things, Maarten Beelen from TU/e spoke about the Eye RHAS.
The somewhat older film that was shown on Monday 25 June on the TEDx Binnenhof site is also worth watching. It kind of makes you proud of the Netherlands …
More films are available at Holland High Tech.