by Carina Weijma | 11 April 2022 | art, Blog_en, Collaboration, design, Economy, embassies, High Tech, In English, Inspiration, Positioning, society, Trust, Values
Thank you for sharing this story! However, please do so in a way that respects the copyright of this text. If you want to share or reproduce this full text, please ask permission from Innovation Origins ( or become a partner of ours! You...
by Carina Weijma | 11 April 2021 | Artificial Intelligence, Blog_en, Collaboration, Economy, High Tech, In English, Trust, Values
Ever held a hammer in your hands? If you are a woman, or a man of Asian descent, for example, and have finer hands, that hammer is often too heavy. Ever wondered why the temperature in buildings is such that you always have to wear a cardigan, but male colleagues just...
by Carina Weijma | 18 March 2018 | Blog, Brainport, Collaboration, Economy, In English, Trust
The government of the Netherlands announced its intention to offer 130 million euros for the further development of Brainport Eindhoven. It is the first concrete result of a long lobby, which has not yet come to an end. An analysis of how the envelope has been made...
by Carina Weijma | 24 January 2018 | Blog, Brainport, Collaboration, Communication, Economy, Inspiration, Italy, NL, Positioning, Trust, Values
Brainport Eindhoven. This is THE example where government, industry and knowledge institutions work together in a triangular relationship that is as equal as possible. Where the economy has been the first to pick up, where companies are marketing their technological...
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